Call Us 7011047964


What We Offer

Specialist in

( Physical activity)
        : Self defence
        : Taekwondo (martial art) training
        : Black belt course
        : Special poomsae training

(Mental empowerment)
        : Motivational speech
        : Discipline
        : Increase self confidence
        : Respect
        : Patience
        : Concentration

Fully certified course:-

         I. yellow to black belt
         II. black belt to master DAN
(All category championships)
         I. All open championships
         II. District
         III. State
         IV. National
         V. International

Get fit & healthy
         I. Weight loss
         II. Weight gain
         III. Body growth & flexibility
         IV. Stress release
         V. Body fitness
         VI. Diet chat

Self defence events
we provide self defence session for youngsters safety in multi national companies , offices and privet sector etc.

Stunt Man & Team
We provide (Martial art) Stuntman & team for shooting purpose as well as (martial art) stunts choreographer.